The bottom line is that every business needs an
The question is how do you find the right one for you
Everyone has a different criteria for choosing an accountant, that’s why we like to invest time with you upfront finding out exactly what’s important to
At Steer we appreciate that the day to day financial management of your business may not be at the top of your list of priorities. But there’s no point being in
business unless you know you’re making a profit.
Are you able to assess the profit levels of each contract, it is important to set your accounting system correctly, so you are able to provide financial data at a
touch of a button.
VAT has changed over the past few year, the Revenue are changing the way we submit our returns. Are you ready for online submissions. If you worried and want
someone else to prepare this why not contact us.
If you don't like numbers, maybe there is a better way of explaining the finances so you can understand it.
At Steer we pride ourselves with regular communication to our clients.
You may have a fear of numbers but here are some very friendly numbers you could use right now.